A Thousand Splendid Suns Research Paper

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Gender equality is essential for the achievement of human rights for all. Yet discriminatory laws against women persist in every corner of the globe and new discriminatory laws are enacted. In Afghanistan, females are discriminated against because of the traditional and religious view on women and girls. A lack of gender equality is consistently cited as an underlying determinant of violence against women. The United Nations General Assembly, in its 1993 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, noted that this violence is a manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women. Besides that, the Taliban’s policy also caused the distinct separation between man and woman. In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini it shows that…show more content…
Mariam was forced to marry Rasheed after her mother died. Rasheed asked Mariam and Laila, his second wife to wear a burqa when they go somewhere out to cover their faces. This is due to what Rasheed state that, a married woman is only for her husband. Mariam and Laila also had been mistreated and abused by Rasheed, though they still remain silence and unable to do anything as he is their husband. Marriage is the union of two people who love each other. Marriage should not be forced to anyone who doesn’t want to. However, the women in the book, Mariam and Laila are both married at a very young age with Rasheed, who is twice their age. In Mariam’s case, she was a burden to her family, thus her father decided to marry them together. “Rasheed is here, in Herat; he has come all the way from Kabul. The nikka will be tomorrow morning, and then there is a bus leaving for Kabul at noon” (Hosseini 49). Mariam was not even know whether she want or not to marry Rasheed. The other victim in the book was Laila, she had no choice but to marry Rasheed. Laila had no one

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