Related Literature: Conceptualization Of Disability

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5. Review of related Literature: Conceptualization of Disability embodies itself a dichotomy. Society distinguishes between ‘a normal and socially functional human being;’ and those belonging to complementary class. Thus conceptualization ‘reflects society’s self image’ needless to state that prevailing social condition plays a significant role in framing the definition and branding. That is the main source of discrimination. The society should weed it out. Human welfare is the moot cause for changes in the social norm and attitude towards the special class of people – suffering from lack of normal ability. The normality norm is not always strictly medical. It varies both at micro – individual and at macro – societal level. Cultural aspects…show more content…
Disability is defined with reference to UN standard rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with disabilities. Medical impairment of any kind might make a person handicap to avail the societal opportunities and participate in the society on an equal footing or level. It is the responsibility of the society to weed out the inconveniences faced by handicap persons, which force them to be disabled (as not all the handicap persons are disabled). Human Rights Definition of Disability: Societal action is pivotal in distinguishing medically handicap persons from being disabled. Societal action however should not be mere responsibility oriented – it should be ethical and collective and showered with humanity. Emotional involvement is the necessity not the compassion or kindness. Disabled is part of the society, discrimination against them should be regarded as violation of human rights The human rights perspective on disability entails moving away from viewing people with disabilities as problems towards viewing them as holders of rights. Overlooking the special treatment required for some group of persons is discrimination against them and infringing on their human rights and should be regarded as the major source of making people disabled and discriminated from many…show more content…
NGO 2 (0.80) 1 (50.00) 0.52 All 250(100.00) 192 (76.80) 100.00 Source: Primary survey data Note: a – percentage of total number of 250; b- indicates share in the respective group; c - percentage in total number of 192 Eleven different categories of companies operating in Bangladesh (table 1) have been chosen for this study. Private corporate sector dominates, accounting for more than 75 percent of all companies. Manufacturing is the dominant activity. MNC has moderately penetrated in the country- accounting for 14 percent companies. Ironically, considerable percentage of multinational corporations collaborating

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