How Does Margaret Atwood Use Language In The Handmaid's Tale

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Language in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is manipulated to create new speech communities in several ways. It is used to persuade people in the society of Gilead by using doublespeak and bringing up the Bible’s words that have an impact on people’s beliefs and determine people’s social statuses. There is a situation where Janine, who is a Handmaid, was brought up the Testifying to prove her words by other Aunts, who judged that she was wrong, and she blamed herself at the end. In the novel, “It was my fault…It was my own fault. I led them on. I deserved the pain” and then Aunt Lydia said, “Very good, Janine…You are an example” (Atwood 72). This statement shows that the social judgement is a determinateness that specifies directly the

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