Reflection Paper On Wellness

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1.a) wellness is having a balance in the emotional, spiritual, occupational, social, intellectual and physical aspects of your life. Wellness is also being aware of the aspects that are not fulfilled but having the attitude to work on them and better those aspects. b. wellness program  Physical My physical score was very low, which just emphasises the unhealthy lifestyle that I was living. Since getting my results I have joined Maties gym and although I haven’t been going every day, it’s a start. I also have been buying fruits instead of hot chicken wraps, because they are cheaper and most importantly healthy. My roommate and I jog on most mornings before class.  Emotional I also had a relatively low score for my emotional wellness, but I…show more content…
keeping a positive attitude I have not been going to the gym every day, like I said I would but I am not letting that get me down, I am having a positive attitude for the weeks to come. Things do not always work out the way that we would like them to but a positive attitude is the only tool that can help us through that. Having a support system I want to work on my spiritual wellness and I have a very strong support system because most of my friends are Christians as well as my mentor and head mentor. So I have those people that have my back. Doing what you love I hated studying in high school because I felt as though some of the subjects had nothing to do with what I wanted to study in university. Now I actually enjoy studying because it has something to do with physiotherapy. 4.  Body insecurities I have started going to the gym, so when I get the body that I want then I will use it to my fullest potential and apply for Maties Miss Varsity Cup… and win!  Insufficient funds I did not obtain a bursary, so my mother is paying for all of my fees. I will be working very hard this year so that I can get a bursary for next year. That way, I will have more money to myself which I can use to buy supplements, to ensure that I eat properly and healthy, because health food is

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