Reflection On Led 440 Class

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Learning Journal One Introduction There were several interesting things that I was able to learn this past week during our LED 440 class. I was pleasantly surprised by how the class was organized, which began with an out of the box approach to conducting introductions. Needless to say the course syllabus was a little intimidating at first, but once the expectations were presented, the class assignments became more manageable in my view. Also, the fact that you have not only worked, but actually retired from some organizations gave me reassurance that the material covered in class would be properly explained. Some of the things that stick out from the first week come from both the classroom and from the book. For instance, the book’s first chapter clearly defined the concept of “culture,” the classroom lessons were tied in to the first four chapters, which helped me understand what I was reading when I finally read the chapters on Friday. All together I definitely feel that my knowledge of “culture” has improved, but obviously there are still many things that I need to learn. Book’s Introduction and Chapter One…show more content…
Obviously, you mentioned that the first few chapters were very important because they provided the foundation for the rest of the book. I definitely agree with you. I actually took detailed notes, which will be used to keep me on track later on throughout the rest of my readings. Besides this, I found Exhibit 1.1 helpful because it provided me with a clear picture of the categories of “culture,” which made it easier to understand Tuesday’s lesson. The other three chapters were not as interesting, but nevertheless they provided proof that the author gave a good foundation by expanding on the concepts, especially with the companies’

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