Referential Cohesion In Language

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Individual Development of Referential Cohesion in Different Language Groups Student’s Name University Affiliation Date Individual Development of Referential Cohesion in Different Language Groups Introduction In the past, there were people who were recognized for their ability to master particular languages with ease as compared with others. It was believed then that these people had unique talents. For this reason, they held important positions in the community. However, in the present society, people have learnt that they can teach themselves these languages. At the same time, recent research has discovered that there are particular traits that make others more likely to understand the language better than others. Although the studies are…show more content…
Exophoric cohesion explains ideas or abstracts without touching on the principle aspect. They assume that the audience knows or can relate to something that they have been explaining. For example, “We talk about the Ebola crisis yet no one steps up to help the affected countries. Everyone understands critical state the world is at the moment.” The word ‘everyone’ is the general term that one uses to emphasize brevity. It prevents the use of avoidable details, which can at times introduce concepts that were not preplanned to be relayed. Paraphoric cohesion is the use of one text to refer to another text or literary material. For example, “ As Rosa Parks once mentioned, were shall not move.” The effect of using this device is that the person being addressed understands the material better. It also gives credit to ther person who first introduced the idea. Homophoric cohesion refers to use of general knowledge in a text. For instance, “Rising from the east, the Gargantuan ball of light shed its rays into the back window of my trailer.” The sentence assumes that the reader understands that the sun is the only ‘ball of light’ that is large enough (Gargantuan) to rise from the east’. Each of these devices is essential for proper relaying of information while avoiding unnecessary…show more content…
The context of a material is seen in the individuals who are capable of mastering different languages (Francis, 2012). The overview of material can relate to similar content that they might have come across elsewhere. For example, one might have seen a sample text, which discusses viral proliferation in the blood. Papers such as these usually have key words that define key principles in the paper. These words are also repeated severally text to the point that one can check the pattern. If one is interested in the material, one will understand the material’s important aspect. It points to exophoric, homophoric and paraphoric concepts. Such people will also influence the person’s ability to borrow words .Some of the words in different fields borrow words from different languages. The students who have mastered other languages can detect some words that languages use. For instance, words such as ‘poignant’ refer to deep felt emotions about something. The word has its origins from France. Someone who understands French will also understand the use of the word in different contexts and various aspects. In recent understanding of the aspect of understanding the level of comprehension of material, there was a difference between the level of processing and the act of borrowing of words. People who borrow words could be compared to people who translate material verbatim. More often than not, the transfer of words takes away some

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