Red Scare Research Paper

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During the Cold War, in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, communism was a big threat for many citizens in the United States. Fear was widespread in America. Many citizens were beginning to lose trust for their own government. This was known as the Red Scare. Communists were often called “Reds” due to the fact that the Soviet flag was red. (Hence the name, “Red Scare”) During the Cold War, Communism was seen as the ultimate evil. I believe it was more than justifiable to see communism as the ultimate evil. With more downsides than upsides, communism would only make things worse for America. If Communists took over, America would never be everything that it had been known for for so long. Many American citizens were fearful that some of…show more content…
However, Communism can lead to many issues. Communism hasn’t worked before due to the selfishness and greed of humanity. The consequences are very problematic. For example, Communism is basically taking away your rights. When your country becomes one that follows Communism, you have no choice but to follow along with your country. You don’t really have much of a say-so. Also, when everyone is equal, people seem to lose motivation to do bigger things. Why would someone put forth so much hard work, money, and time to become a doctor, when they would get treated the same way as an average working man would? When you are treated equally, it can take away peoples’ incentive to do great things. Another issue coming from Communism is the fact that in many places that followed the rules of communism did not have good results. Mass murder was the result for many. For example, Stalin. Stalin himself killed about 20 million. Cambodia also set out to be Communist and ended up with mass murders as well. Communism seems to be a great idea from the start. However, when you take a step back and look at the big picture and see what being treated equally does to people, you can begin to realize just how horrible the consequences really are. Many international events started to arise, which got the attention of the public. For example, in 1949 when the Soviet Union tested a nuclear bomb, Communists began to take

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