Raskolnikov's Development In Crime And Punishment

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Raskolnikov is first introduced as a callous person with a negative view of the world and life. His thoughts are channeled into committing murders to which he feels justified. In the period of time following the crimes Raskolnikov goes through changes in his mentality and outlook on life. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky shows Raskolnikov’s development through representation of his psyche and thoughts. These thoughts are specifically shown in areas of his transgression and mounting guilt as well as his relationships, especially with Sonia, which leads to his eventual redemption. Raskolnikov is a former student and he is living in a closet of a room that is run by a landlady and Rodia is in debt to her. He fears any interaction with her but this is not due to cowardice,…show more content…
His interactions with her are foreign to how he is with everyone else. Sonia’s religious faith influences Rodia and sheds a light on his road to redemption. “‘That’s the way out! That’s the explanation,’ he decided, scrutinizing her with eager curiosity, with a new, strange, almost morbid feeling” (Dostoevsky 310). Rodia’s confession of the murders to Sonia receives him a less than expected response. She flings herself to her knees in front of him and hugs him. “A feeling long unfamiliar to him flooded his heart and softened it at once. He did not struggle against it. Two tears started into his eyes and hung onto his eyelashes” (Dostoevsky 391). Raskolnikov’s callous perspective has shattered and he is opening himself up to the warmth of love and compassion. Sonia is the last person Rodia sees before turning himself in and he is once again brought to tears by her. “It came over him like a fit; it was like a single spark kindled his soul and spreading fire through him. Everything in him softened at one and the tears started into his eyes” (Dostoevsky 498). This release and acceptance of his sins give Rodia the power to

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