Radical Criminological Perspective Analysis

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In our present society, media often examines and presents crime from an individual perspective. It tends to define crime as an independent crime which is isolated from different social structural contexts or circumstances (Surette, 2010). With the purpose of understanding the impact and occurrence of crime in greater depth, Jock Young suggested that “[t]here is a criminology which is informed by sociology” (Young, 2011, pp.222) in which crime is examined and studied through the sociological perspective. Such a perspective allows society to examine crime in relation to various social structural contexts and power instead of an individual context. Therefore, in order to assess the validity of Young’s suggestion, it is vital to further evaluate the different perspectives such as individualistic, radical and feminist criminological perspectives. Radical criminological perspective Radical criminology perspective believed that in order to understand the occurrence of crime, one has to look into the society’s structure, power differential between various classes or race, differential enforcement and vested interests (Moyer, 2001, pp.8). This perspective is able to examine the impact of crime in greater depth. For instance, ‘White-collar’ crime. Edwin Sutherland devised the term ‘White-collar’ crime. He…show more content…
This perspective sees criminality as an individual choice and other economic, social or structural justifications are unrelated. It also stresses on the criminal’s individual personality traits as the reason behind crime (Surette, 2010). For instance, criminals are often described as being ‘animal-like, irrational, maladjusted, impulsive, a loner, violent and aggressive’ (Blackman and Walkerdine, 2001 cited in Jewkes, 2011, pp.

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