Women are highly impressionable when it comes to magazines, fashion, music, and films. As technology improves and expands, advertisement is able to influence a greater population than ever. When forced to live under extreme expectations of being feminine and flawless by social standards, being a woman of color has even greater challenges. Gloria Jean Watkins, popularly known as bell hooks, is an African-American author, feminist, and social activist. She was born in Kentucky in 1952 and later received
For as long as I can remember my hair has been an important part of my life. It dictated who I was, how I acted, and how I felt. If I cut my hair, I was asked many questions as though having long hair was the only way to survive. Strangely, this thing that was so vital was only hair. It shouldn’t have been able to find a way to impact my life so greatly. Unfortunately, hair has taken on many aspects within the black community. It’s been grounds for employment, acceptance into organizations, and among
points out that because of our society black women aren't able to embrace themselves as who they are because they are influenced by other cultures. Simpson portrays empowerment gender, identity, and culture in her images despite the oppression of racist culture impacts black women's body and identity. Five-day forecast by Lorna Simpson incorporates five large
separated. In the book an example of the laws is when the trial of Tom Robinson took place. The trial is unfair to Tom because he was the only black man in the trail and was accused by a white woman of something he did not do. The trial also consisted of racists white men. Another influence on Lee was the “Southern Belles and Ladies”. A southern belle
The 1491s come with a video titled The Indian Store, and with this fashion is revisited. The actors/store keepers use their whit and sarcasm to assist in helping this short film come across as sarcastic. Susan Scafidi titles some of her research, “Culture is fluid, and today's taboo may be tomorrow's trend”. Watching the short comedic film, the viewer realizes white people have romanticized and fetishized what it means to be an Indian