Queen Elizabeth 1 Dbq

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As the last monarch of the Tudor dynasty, Elizabeth the First rose to the English throne in 1558, after the reigns of her half-siblings Edward VI and Mary I had ended. Her reign would last for another forty-fours years until her death in 1603. During this period, Queen Elizabeth had established England as the superpower of sixteenth century Europe after defeating the formerly powerful countries of France and Spain. Despite this, her right to the throne and rule of England was still questioned due to her sex. These allegations were made by religious figures, such as John Knox, and argued that no woman could rule a country. Though these protests were made against her, Queen Elizabeth had shown that she not only had the right and power to rule,…show more content…
John Knox, a Scottish religious reformer and member of the clergy, published his work titled First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women the same year Elizabeth was crowned. By the title alone shows Knox's distaste of a female ruler, which later becomes evident when he says that to promote a woman as head of any establishment is an abomination and used his religion to further his argument saying that the scripture stated that the Holy Ghost had said," I suffer not a woman to usurp authority above the man."(Doc 1) Then with Nicholas Heath, the archbishop of York, once again in 1558 before the House of Lords, though in this instance was in reference to Elizabeth being the head of the Church of England. He claimed that Elizabeth wouldn't be able to be in any position in the church, much less the supreme head. (Doc 2)Another example is the On the Origin and Growth of the…show more content…
It was in this year that Elizabeth had Parliament pass the second Act of Supremacy, not to be confused by its 1534 predecessor, naming her the supreme governor of her realm and all other dominions and countries, as well as in spiritual proceedings.This gained her all the power of her male counterparts, such as her father and half-brother. (Doc 3) Then, in a speech to Parliament, in regards to her refusal to marry, she stated that she was married, but to the Kingdom of England. (Doc. 8) She then shows her abilities of being a ruler with her response to a proposal by Parliament in 1566, where she states that regardless of any solutions that they may come up with, none can be enacted without her approval, and that she will do as she pleases. She then insults them by saying that she will only speak with men who understand justice and the laws, and only after that would she tell them her will. It is then reported that she then dismissed them in anger. (Doc 5) Then, in 1588, in her speech to troops that were defending England from an oncoming Spanish invasion, defending her strength as a female leader by saying," I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too". This as well as saying that she would be amongst them in the heat of battle, shows that despite being female she had as much, if not more, courage

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