Pythagoras Monism And Dualism

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As humans, we have the tendency to be curious and ask question on all subjects, which leads us to new discoveries. For many centuries we have had many notable philosophers who have pursued their curiosities and have concluded different theories on separate subjects. Philosophers such as Thales, Empedocles, and Pythagoras have asked the question “How did the world and it inhabitants construct or evolve into creations we see today?” and each philosopher has had a different point of view influenced by monism, dualism, and pluralism. Each of the afore mentioned philosophers had their own concept and theory about metaphysics along with their own theories surrounding the creation of this world and the substances that reside in it. Thales, born in Ionia on the coast of Asia, is known…show more content…
Empedocles was of the first of the pluralists and had a similar belief to Thales. However, Empedocles believed in the “roots” of earth, which were the four basic elements of fire, water, earth and air. Although Thales believed water was the core of all existences, Empedocles believed these four elements are the core. He also believed in the philosopher Parmenides concept of “nothing is created or destroyed.” (25) Furthermore, he believed in two other aspects of creation: “love” and “strife” where love united all the elements and strife separated them. His theory of creation and existence was formatted on the basis that love and strife create a multiple test subjects through the mixture of the four basic elements. Moreover, he states in his existing text “these things join together as each might chance, and many other things besides continually arose.”(27) Empedocles believed love and strife were materialistic objects rather than an emotional and invisible mental state. Empedocles was the first of the pluralist and his pluralist motion went major

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