Pros And Cons Of Apprenticeships

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Generally speaking, it behooves anyone contemplating the vocational route out of high school to explore apprenticeships. Commonly referred to as on-the-job training, they enjoy the familiarity to occupations requiring demonstrable experience to attain certification and licensing to practice. Traditionally, apprenticeships prepare a novice for learning a profession under the supervision of a master craftsman or journeymen in a particular discipline which might also include periodic classroom education. Having fulfilled the role of apprenticeship themselves and free to work independently, journeymen eventually assume the role of mentor as they complete a cycle meant to perpetuate the profession in the long run. For the novice, that’s a real advantage…show more content…
Consequently, a national advisory committee formed to research and draft regulations to establish standards for creating apprenticeship programs, safeguarding the welfare of apprentices and encouraging their inclusion in contracts of apprenticeship. Ensuing Congressional amendments later inserted the Secretary of Education (now the Department of Education) into the mix. The contemporary Registered Apprenticeship system links those seeking new skills together with a program’s sponsor for a consortium of employers, employer associations, and labor unions providing on-the-job learning and academic instruction for building a qualified workforce. Today’s Registered Apprenticeships, including most official programs in the United States, administrate through the United States Department of Labor’s Office of…show more content…
The Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium (RACC) comprises all sponsors of the Registered Apprenticeship program universe coupled with postsecondary institution affiliates. At the same time, member colleges must agree to provide academic credit to students having earned a completion certificate for selected apprenticeships following recommendations of third-party evaluators. Whereas the concepts related to apprenticeship schools remain comparatively infantile in the United States, countries in Europe have long utilized them to supply workers to an industry’s workforce. Looking closely at the German apprenticeship model, the Department of Labor has expressed intrigue for the cooperation engendered between its community college system and industry. And while this might not translate into definable opportunities utilizing such avenues, it verifies the existence of a sorely needed path for high school

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