Problem Solving Skills In Customer Service

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Customer may be defined as a client, or purchaser who receives goods, service, or ideas from a supplier mainly for monetary gain. ( Customers are the main player in a business; they enable the operation of a business and is deemed the boss of the business. Customers are the ones that consume the products and services that businesses offer. Hence, they judge the quality of the product and service. It is therefore important that businesses retain their customers and also attract new ones so that their business can grow. There are many different customers that come into an organization on a daily basis some of these are whining customers, disgusted customers, assertive customers, aggressive customers, disappointed customers, hurried…show more content…
Organizations requires customers service representative who are confident, has the capability of resolving issues with customers and also satisfying customers’ need. Some steps to problem solving include listening which is often overlooked by service employees. However, listening is the key in understanding the customer, so that a solution may be arrived at. In trying to solve customers’ problem employees must show empathy when dealing with customers by apologizing, if the company product or service is faulty. This is good for customer retention and positive word of mouth. A customer can sell a company in a good or bad light. If the customer goes away and is not satisfied with the service received, he will relate his bad experience to others which will cause the company to lose potential customers. Therefore companies must go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. This sometimes means offering an extra product, service or gift voucher. Follow up is also vital and is a huge final step therefore after trying to resolve the issue, a follow- up must take place. This guarantees a happy ending for all, and prevent negative message about the company in the market…show more content…
Strategies to Deal with Complaints 1. Listen carefully to what the customer has to say, and let them finish. Do not get defensive. If he or she has a problem and is upset, repeat what you are hearing to show that you have listened. 2. Ask questions in a caring and concerned manner. The more information you can get from the customer, the better you will understand his or her perspective. It is easier to ask questions than to jump to conclusions. 3. Put yourself in their shoes. (Empathize). As a business owner, your goal is to solve the problem, not argue. The customer needs to feel like you are on his or her side and that you empathize with the situation. 4. Apologize without blaming. When a customer senses that you are sincerely sorry, it usually diffuses the situation. Do not blame another person or department, just tell the customer you are sorry about what happened. 5. Ask the customer, "What would be an acceptable solution to you?" and propose one or more solutions to alleviate his or her pain. Become a partner with the customer in solving the problem. 6. Solve the problem, or find someone who can solve it quickly.

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