Prince Konoe's 1937 Address Summary

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In Prince Konoe’s 1937 address to explain the actions of Japan in regards to China, he states the many reasons that Japan’s invasion is justified. However, the reasons that he provides are not accurate portrayals of what was actually occurring or Japan’s true motives for their invasion of China, and the majority of what Prince Konoe claims is not applicable in the actual actions of the Japanese troops in China. Prince Konoe continuously claims outrageous justifications for the treatment of the Japanese. He fails to see the true reasons behind Japan’s attack, or selectively chooses to leave it out of his address. There are many examples that he uses that when compared to the pillaging the Japanese were doing in Japan, which cannot be applied to the actual events that he is supposed to be justifying. It is also important to…show more content…
2) implying that the sole reason that Japan invaded China was to improve Sino-Japanese relationships. However, he slyly ignores the actions of the Japanese troops in Japan, and how if anything, they are worsening Sino-Japanese relationships. If Japan’s sole purpose was to improve the diplomatic policies between the two countries, than the treatment of the Chinese people by the Japanese troops would not have occurred. Konoe later states that the Japanese government decided “to deal a firm and decisive blow against the Chinese Government in an active and comprehensive manner,” (Par. 3). However it is doubtful that anyone would consider the Nanjing Massacre of 1939235 as what he described. Not to mention, that besides the Nanjing Massacre, similar events were occurring in many places in Japanese -occupied China. Although these are not the only examples of invalid claims from

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