Potato Dilute Lab Report

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The data that has been derived from the experimentation supports and substantiates the hypothesis that the mass of potato stripes decrease when they are put into solution with greater concentration and that the mass of potato stripes increase when they are put into a less concentrated sucrose solution or a dilute solution. This is demonstrated on the scatter graph above with a downward sloping line of regression, which indicates a negative correlation. The largest percentage mass change was seen in the stripes in the dilute solution. This largest percentage change is followed by the results taken from the potato stripes placed in 0.80 mol dm-3, 0.20 mol dm-3, 0.60 mol dm-3, and 0.40 mol dm-3 respectively. In other words, as predicted initially, the total mass gain decreased as the molarity of sucrose solution increased until a certain point, and then the potato stripes started to lose mass instead of gaining mass. Also, this loss in mass increased as the molarity of the sucrose solution increased. The average mass change continuously fell.…show more content…
This suggests that the original solute concentration in the cells is between those two concentrations and an isotonic sucrose solution has a molarity between 0.20 mol dm-3 and 0.40 mol dm-3, but closer to latter rather than former. This is because there was only a loss of %0.45 in the 0.40 mol dm-3 concentration, whereas there was a gain of %4.07 in the 0.20 mol dm-3 concentration. For osmosis to occur, as explained previously, there needs to be net movement, either the water molecules entering the cell must exceed the number of water molecules leaving the cell, or vice

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