Police Report Narrative: Queenie's Home

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Police Report Narrative We arrived at Queenie’s home on October 13, 1982 at 1:15am Queenie’s husband Arthur was found dead lying on his back dressed with a robe over his clothes while still holding a glass. We were told by the neighbors before the incident Mrs. Queenie tore out of the house after a tiff with her husband, Arthur. When I arrived at the home Queenie was staring down on Arthur as if she was in shock. Arthur’s head was found wounded lying on a rug with his feet and legs at the end of the stairs. (objective) Queenie said that before this incident Arthur and her had a heated argument Queenie left the home to attend a party taking place at their Country Club to celebrate the opening of their new golfing range. Queenie decided to leave the club shortly before the other guest, though she had invited them to follow her home. We were told by Queenie that the guest arrived at their home about ten minutes after her. When the guest arrived Queenie proceeded to tell them what had happened “Something terrible has happened! Arthur slipped and fell down the stairs. He was coming down for another drink, he still has the glass in his hand! I think he is dead! Oh my God, What do I do?”…show more content…
The fact that Arthur was under the influence could mean that while he was walking up the stairs he may have just got a little dizzy and slipped down the stairs. Mrs. Queenie made a statement that she arrived at the home ten minutes before the guest during that period of time she should have called someone. I think Queenie is lying because she waited for her guest to arrive, before mentioning it to someone. The fact that Queenie wasn’t in Arthur’s present during this time, leaves the question of how does she know what happened if she wasn’t

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