Plg Research Paper

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The separation of the RNA fraction from all other macromolecules is done in a two step isolation process - phenol-chloroform. The phenol-chloroform lyses the cells, and precipitates membrane protein, lipid and chromosomal DNA through the PLG tubes. What is/are the main reasons(s) for PLG to be used in this procedure? PLG helps purify and make the yield of nucleic acids increased by up to 50% compared to other conventional organic extractions. PLG contains an intermediate density gel, which enables to eliminate interphase contamination of lysate based on their density levels. Sample decanting become easy as stable gel barrier in PLG allows the upper organic phase to pipette easily. Protection from exposure to hazardous compounds is increased…show more content…
A particular group used the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) due to its ability to denature lipids and proteins that shape membranes. In addition to SDS, they used sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Which of the following lysis methods was used by this group, what was the next reagent added and why? Amplification method was used, chloramphenicol was added to stop DNA growth. Boiling method was used, ethanol was added to purify the plasmid DNA. Alkali method was used, potassium acetate was added to neutralise the solution. Mild detergent was used, proteinase K was added to discharge contents of the cytoplasm. LEC 5 - Deanna Genes are either constitutive or off/on by induced signals. The lacl is constitutive and encodes for what gene that binds to the operator region at the downstream of a 3’ end of the promoter? It is also designed for the utilisation of lactose that can also be used as a carbon source for E. coli which can be blocked when what…show more content…
Lacl regulatory genes and the repressor blocks the movement of helicase which leads to the DNA strands being unable to be unwound at the replication forks and thus transcription is unable to be carried out. LPCAT1 genes and the repressor blocks out DNA gyrase which will cause double-stranded DNA to undergo strain and cause the negative supercoiling of the DNA and thus transcription will not be carried out. Lacl regulatory genes and the repressor blocks the binding of RNA polymerase which will inhibit the process of transcription for the utilisation of glucose. Lip genes and the repressor blocks the binding of primase which is involved in providing a starting point for DNA polymerase. If this enzyme is inhibited, the synthesis of the new DNA strand will be halted. It is also designed for the utilisation of lactose that can also be lacl regulatory genes and the repressor blocks the movement of helicase which leads to the DNA strands being unable to be unwound at replication forks and thus transcription is unable to be carried

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