Physics And Johann Kepler's Three Laws Of Satellites

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A satellite is an object that is orbiting a planet or other huge body. Satellites can be classified as natural satellites or man-made satellites. The moons and the planets classified as natural satellites. The satellites launched from earth for aims of scientific research, communication, weather predict, intelligence, etc. classified as man-made satellites. Whether planets, moons or artificial satellite, all satellite’s motion is subject to the same physical laws and mathematical equations. In the 1500s, Nicholas Copernicus of Poland presented the heliocentric theory the belief that the earth revolves around the sun as it rotates on its axis, this aspect of astronomy evolved into an intricate study of planetary motion known as orbital mechanics. Today orbital mechanics is applied to spaceflight and satellites that orbit the earth or travel beyond our solar system. In the early 1600s, Johann Kepler a German mathematician by using the data on planetary observations collected by the Danish scientist Tycho Brahe, he developed three laws of planetary motion. Kepler's Three Laws  Kepler’s First Law of Motion - Elliptical Orbits There were three paradigms of the solar system at that time, but none of them worked very well for Mars. First, the…show more content…
Newton showed that masses were involved. The equation shown have the familiar cube of the semi-major axis “a” and the square the orbital period “P”, but it also has the sum of the masses of the two objects as shown in (Fig. 4). That is, if one mass is orbiting another, the sum of their masses is equal to the semi-major axis distance cubed divided by the orbital period squared. There are some additional constants involved, but if we always have the period in units of years and the semi-major axis distance in astronomical units, then those constants all come out to equaling 1 and do not need to be included. this simplifies the

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