Wayward Heart Poems hold great power in the way that they can grant us a view into would-be situations or actual past events. Even as we would likely not be able to experience them exactly as the subjects of the poems themselves, it is still enjoyable to imagine the scenarios that they face.
Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska, and Robert Hayden’s A Letter from Phillis Wheatley are both examples of Dramatic monologue. Dramatic Monologue is a sub-genre of poetry which find their place in between lyric and dramatic poetry (Mays 857). This genre of poem often aims to tell a sometimes fictional story, while in other times they are based on the author’s views and outlooks on the given subject. These poems are similar in the way that they are written from another person’s point of view, and their sequent varying emotions throughout the events detailed in each poem. Springsteen’s dramatic monologue poem Nebraska, is actually a song included in one of his many studio albums.…show more content… She was a slave whom was bought by a Boston merchant, by the name of John Wheatley. There is no one setting in this poem as she does travel from Boston to London with Wheatley’s son, Nathaniel, due to some health issues she was experiencing. While in London she was able to meet with Selina Hastings, the Countess of Huntingdon, whom aided in getting Phillis’s first book of poems published. Yet while attending supper with the Countess and her other guests, she “dined apart like captive royalty” (Mays 859). While Phillis was granted the great opportunity in having her works published, she was still but a slave in the eyes of those who aided her in her literary endeavors. Her discomfort and poise is further described by Wright, who states “the sable Muse holds tears and outrage in check with exquisite syntax and diction […]” (Wright