Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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With a raging civil war in Syria, many of their citizens are fleeing every day in order to avoid harm and look for hope and a future in other countries, including the US. However with the threat of terrorism becoming very prominent, we have taken many precautions, including allowing a very small amount of migrants into the country at the time. Regardless, the US should allow as many Syrian refugees into the country as possible using intense screening processes to ensure the protection of the US. After enduring the threat and reality of war, refugees from Syria have little hope except for the idea of living a better life in foreign countries such as the US. Many are crossing borders illegally in order to feel more safe and protected, as well as to hopefully create a better future for their family. "I personally came here in search of a future," said one Syrian women. She then went on to talk about how she only had one of her three daughters with her and hopes that the other two can come to the US from Germany. Syrian refugees are just looking for a place where they and their families can live in safety with a hope for the future, this is why it is the job of countries…show more content…
“Even if as many as 30,000 more were admitted over the next two years, that number would be far less than the hundreds of thousands Germany is expected to accept,” wrote the author of “The U.S. will accept more refugees, but security rules will limit how many can enter The United States.” While proximity to Syria may be a great influence on the amount of refugees going to where they are, a lot of them have already been taken in by Germany where as the US is very hesitant in letting any of the Syrians in due to terrorist scares. While these scares are a very real threat, we should still allow refugees into our country because they need our help and we should be willing to help

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