Persuasive Essay About Immigration

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Immigration: a controversial topic that continues to divide many a nation. An undocumented immigrant is an individual who resides in the United States without the proper legal permission. Undocumented immigration has been a staple in Republican political campaigns that often use fear-mongering tactics to scare the public into fearing these individuals. Controversy over immigration policies has been prevalent ever since the US government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 -- the first instance of targeting a certain group of immigrants. The government even shut down recently as the Democrats and Republicans were unable to reach an agreement. However, providing a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is favored by the majority of American citizens, and research shows they help the American economy and lower the national crime rate well below the current statistics.…show more content…
Oftentimes, politicians utilize the concept of amnesty to garner votes against bills that propose a rational process to solve immigration concerns. However, a path to citizenship is not to be confused with amnesty. Amnesty would include pardoning all undocumented immigrants and granting them citizenship without a thorough vetting process; whereas, providing a route to citizenship for immigrants still allow for a vetting process and thorough background checks. Immigration is still a vital part of any developed nation’s success; this path would allow the United States to solve the immigration ‘crisis’. Critics try to dismiss immigration reforms with the same argument: it would be harmful to American workers. However, providing undocumented immigrants with a path to citizenship would allow for the United States to focus on deporting criminals, rather than a hardworking family (Obama 12). Therefore, even providing a path for undocumented immigrants is a great step forward in solving the immigration

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