Personal Narrative: Walking On The Beach Of Lake Michigan

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I remember walking on the beach of Lake Michigan during the sunset. It was late July. I can’t seem to recall the exact date, even after the hours that I’ve spent over the years scouring the recesses of my mind for it. I guess I can’t be upset with myself, as not many 2 year olds are conscious of the date most at all. I was in Grand Haven, Michigan, with my older brother and my grandparents. We went to get ice cream at Temptations, a small shop by the lake, and proceeded to eat it while walking along the water. My grandparents both ordered pistachio ice cream. My brother and I walked along the rhythmic tide, he being more capable maneuvering the beach than I was. Being kids, we raced ahead of them. When we weren’t called back, I stopped and waited for them to catch up while my brother went on, oblivious to any distance between us.…show more content…
I stopped and, wondering what they were gazing at, turned to look at the horizon. As soon as my eyes started to turn westward, I was mesmerized by the intense orange and deep pink reflecting off of the water, the sun sitting atop the lake, barely touching it, as if to test the water before diving in for the night. This scene at the beach is the sole memory that I have of my grandmother. We lived down the street from her and saw her most every day, so we were naturally very close to her. She died on October 10th, 2001, exactly a week before my third birthday, of lung

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