Personal Narrative: Two Steps To A Successful Interview With Royal Oaks Chevrolet

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The first step to a successful interview with Royal Oaks Chevrolet would be to prepare. I would research their website, and any other sites that might have their information on them. I would make sure that my personal phone voice messages were set up and professional. I would send an email to the hiring manager thanking her or him for the opportunity to interview, and to also confirm the date and time. I am very familiar with the area, so I would plan accordingly to arrive about 15 minutes prior to the interview. I would make sure I had everything I needed for the interview before I went in, but I would not take in anything extra. The second step to a successful interview with Royal Oaks Chevrolet would be making a good first impression. I would probably wear slacks with a shirt and tie. I would make sure to have a good hand shake. I would make sure to make proper eye contact, and have a warm smile. I would help keep the interviewer…show more content…
I would interview with confidence, and make sure they knew I was the right person. I would give examples when possible of things that I have had success with. I would be careful not to over talk. I would tackle the tough questions with confidence. I would ask questions that would show that I could add value to the company. The fourth step to a successful interview with Royal Oaks Chevrolet would be making sure that I successfully closed the interview. It would be important to ask questions. Questions about the job and its requirements would be appropriate, but questions about salary, benefits, or drug checks might not be. The time to ask about money is after the job is offered to you. If I was interested in the job once the interview was over, I would tell the interviewer. I would thank the interviewer, and get his or her card before I left. The card could be used to follow-up

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