Personal Narrative: Pit Band In High School

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Without the pit it’s not legit, the members of the White Christmas pit band might fondly recall. I certainly do. There is a bittersweet taste to the temporariness of a high school stage production. A collection of students from all tiers and corners of the school assemble to work and work some more and rehearse and memorize and break down and lose sleep and laugh until they cry for months and then put on two, sometimes three performances, and then it’s over. I was only a freshman at the time with practically my whole life ahead of me, and this is the first time I felt I was part of something bigger than myself that mattered. We started pit band rehearsals separate from the cast and crew. It wasn’t until a few weeks before opening night that we joined forces with them. There is a certain coloring to the auditorium at the school-turned-church. The glaring lights make everything cloaked in shadows even more dark and dull. From the faded pastels of the metal and plastic chairs to the deep red of the hefty stage curtains to the gaudy carpet of the pit and aisles that still somehow works. The shiny wood of the pit and eggshell, spotty tile of the stage itself. To me, all of it means drama, something that was new to me at this point in my life.…show more content…
Kids were running around, with people scrambling to completely change costumes over the course of six or seven lines. Bunge’s very brassy voice was ringing over everything, trying to get people in order. The pit spent a lot of time on standby that rehearsal. I didn’t mind because that meant we got to just hang out in the pit. I never had Savannah Veenstra as a teacher, but in the pit I got to chat with her and I have found that she is a delightful, funny, real person that I still enjoy talking to today when I get the chance. She was only one among many bright personalities in the

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