Personal Narrative: My Life After Crossing The Border

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When I crossed the border between Russia and the United States of America I crossed more than just an international border. I experienced multiple hurdles that included language, culture, trust, and relationships. I was given a better chance at life. Crossing the border gave me more than just a new family to fall in love with; the crossing gave me new opportunities for life. The whole journey that led to this life-altering border crossing began when I was born with hydrocephalus or fluid in my brain that would lead to my death if not treated immediately. The treatment caused me to be in the hospital for the first eight months of my life, therefore, causing my birth parents to acquire a medical bill that they could no longer pay. I was then sent to the orphanage and set up for adoption. The orphanage would become my home and family for the next four years.…show more content…
November 16 was the day that I was dismissed from the orphanage and sent along with my new family. This new family consisted of my older brother Charlie, my dad Randy and my mom Joan. I remember gathering up all my belongings that consisted of glasses that were too large for my face, a teddy bear and a Russian nesting doll that was given to me by the orphanage as a celebratory gift. I had to leave all the clothes I was familiar with behind and dressed in the new "American" clothes that my family brought over. I was then dressed in the "American" clothes, which were all from Lands End, and left the orphanage with my adoptive family. The new clothes were just the beginning of the cultural border

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