Personal Narrative: My First High School Football

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Ever since going to my first high school football game with my best friends Jordan and Nick in the sixth grade, I’ve always wanted to play football. I wanted to be apart of the brotherhood that these highschoolers had. I wanted to leave a legacy and of course win. Three years pass and it was finally my chance to step onto the field and begin a new character in my life. It was my first opportunity to lace up my cleats and step foot onto my new home away from home, the Machebeuf football field. It was the first day of practice, a lot excitement and high insanity running through everybody. From senior Aaron Beckman to little freshman like myself, everybody was excited. With the first day of practice all the players believed in a new era. It…show more content…
It was Brother Peter’s second and last season and we had to make it one for the books. We worked hard all summer and never felt more prepared. Entering the first game, my brothers and I got to not only play on varsity but start. It was the first time that a football program started six sophomores on varsity on offense and defense. We all thought this was going to be the year. The year that Machebeuf finally puts its name on the broad. However, the season was nothing like any of us expected. The season was filled with disappointment after disappointment. We started the season losing eight games in a row and finally winning the last game of the season. Not only did the Machebeuf community and school lose hope in us but some of the team lost hope too. Machebeuf football was now the joke of the school. Everyone hated and made fun of us. No one believed we could ever win again, or even still have a football team. This season things are getting turned around. Machebeuf hired a new coaching staff that doesn’t know anything but how to win. The players brought in and began to put in the hard work. We started practicing at 6A.M. in January before school started. We continued the hard work into the summer. To get us prepared for the regular season, we played against some of the best 4A and 5A schools in the

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