Personal Narrative: Joining A Subculture

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On November 17, 2002, I decided to join a subculture. I jumped out of my “rack” as “DI’s” ran around banging on “trash receptacles”. I frantically dropped my “skivvy greens” and “donned” my “desert cammis” as unidentifiable voices screamed out countdowns from 10 seconds to freeze in place, unfairly skipping about five seconds of time. Upon the command “FREEZE”, I continued to search for my “portholes”. Suddenly there I was, being dragged by my “nasty hair” by the most intimidating “DI” I had ever met. “DI” Sergeant Cuza-Ramierez commanded me to “push” until she was tired. There, upon the “quarter deck” I did push-ups. I lost count somewhere around 94, and began counting my sweat drops as they formed a small puddle beneath me on the “deck”.

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