Personal Narrative: How Volleyball Changed My Life

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My life has always been revolved around sports since I was little. But my 7th grade year changed my life so much, that was the year I started to play volleyball. Volleyball was then, and is to this day my favorite sport. In Middle School I didn’t get much playing time especially 8th grade, which made me second guess my love for the sport. But when my 8th grade season ended I tried out for a travel team called Inside Out. Since then I played 3 seasons at Inside Out, this coming winter will be my 4th season. Each season I made the higher team, which was the number one reason I made varsity as a freshman. The best experience for me playing travel volleyball was all the new people I got to meet and play with. Even though you get put on a different team each season with different girls, we all still get really close by the end of each season. Now I know almost every girl that plays at Inside Out, and it’s fun when we play their school team during school volleyball, because we all get pictures together and just get time to catch up with each other. The other great thing about travel is college coaches run them so they usually only recruit girls that play for them in travel. The Muskegon Community College coach is the guy that owns Inside Out. He and I talk about my future whenever I see him, about how he sees great things in my future for…show more content…
When the first day of tryouts came along this year we did drills that had to do with passing, attacking, and serving, so basically everything you do in volleyball we covered. Then once the second day came that was the day cuts were made. We all basically knew who was on the team for the most part, but our coach still had to cut a few girls because 14 tried out and we only kept 10 girls for the varsity

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