Personal Narrative: C3 Student Intern

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Friendships don’t always come easy, sometimes it takes a major occurrence in order to appreciate someone. In my case, it was a week of forced labor alongside fellow team members whose personalities clashed with mine. I thought I knew all eleven well enough, but after a few hours of boot camp I soon realized that there was much more to be discovered. Every summer since my freshman year of high school I have participated in my church’s youth program, called C3 Student Internship. The ability to participate is an honor, as not everyone who applies will be entered in as a student intern. The process magnifies who you truly are, and if your character is honorable enough to represent the church as a whole. The past two years I have made connections…show more content…
There was a certain quota that had to be reached with no escape route, we either met the criteria or would stay back until it was accomplished. Our initial thought was the boot camp would have a basic hardship level, a few leadership exercises and we’d be free. But that was not the case. The first day we had to immediately decipher french instructions on how to construct our tents, chop wood for the fire, and maintain the animals. There was no prep talk or communication between leaders and students, it was all on our shoulders. The girls Kali, Taegan, Grace, Victoria, Faith, and I had bonded at a retreat the week beforehand, but not enough. The first night all of us were exhausted and gross, the only shower provided was a hose inside of a tarp wall. The guys had gone to sleep, but I discovered that one of the girls only required an average of four hours of sleep. I moaned as the constant voice droned on and on, starting multiple conversation with its victims. Needless to say, the next day I was exhausted. It was as if I had run a marathon and had a five minute break before beginning another athletic…show more content…
Each surface was slick and stuck to our skin like plastic wrap. My throat burned for water as I bent over the garden, yanking up clumps of grass. Logan, Kali and I had finished painting half of the fence before the heat caused a stopping point, and yet the assigned individuals of the garden had chosen to find a more amusing job. Therefore, I was stranded demolishing the miniature forrest by myself. Grace and Faith had carefully taken all of the eggs from the coop, washed them, and packaged the boxes for the farmer’s income. Grace and Victoria, the two complete selfless people of the group, soon joined me in the garden. The moment was sweet in a way, our hard work was rewarded in no time when brought together. But soon I would be faced with another personality

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