Personal Narrative: A Career As A Veterinarian Or Psychologist

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Veterinarian/Psychologist - My first choice for health occupations is a veterinarian. I’ve always wanted to work with animals, and I’ve always wondered what went on in their minds and bodies. I know little things about animals health. What interests me most about animals health is how they think or process things. I am indescribably intrigued by the brain and what it is possible for it to do, especially in animals (non-human). The salary for Vets and psychologists are pretty good, it’s not a minimum wage job, and they should be good enough to keep food on the table, clothes on my body, and a roof over my head. Not only would I get good pay, but I would be helping those in need. Employment of veterinarians is projected to grow 12 percent…show more content…
Job prospects should be best for those who have a doctoral degree in an applied specialty and those with a specialist or doctoral degree in school psychology. Veterinarian - A veterinarian’s work space all depends on the type of animals that they treat, or mend to. Some vet’s work space vary from a farm to a private clinic or animal hospital. I would treat domestic animals/pets and work in a private clinic or animal hospital. The salary for a vet depends on the space and location. Most salaries vary from 6 thousand dollars to 12 thousand a month. It may not seem like it but veterinarians must do and know a lot of science not only about the body, but about the chemicals that they inject animals with, the tools they use to groom and medicate the animals with.Veterinarians must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from an accredited veterinary college and a state license. Veterinarians typically do the following: Examine animals to diagnose their health problems Diagnose and treat animals for medical

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