Personal Narrative

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I wake up around 5 or 6 o'clock to my alarm clock beeping at me to get up. Today was the day. I get up, and get ready. My dad, mom, sister and I hopped in the car to zoom over to the airport. This was my first plane ride, so I had mixed emotions. I was unbelievably excited to see my baby niece, who was turning one at the time, along with my sister and brother-in-law. Riding in the airplane wasn't as scary as I thought it would be! I loved to look out the window, feeling as if I was a bird flying in the clouds. I had so much fun on the plane. But I knew, there was more fun to come! After we got the airport in California, we started our drive to the hotel. It was so amazing looking around us at all of the palm trees. I had lived…show more content…
When is Missy getting here?” I ask, impatiently. “Soon. Just be patient okay?” I groan. We had been waiting for what felt like one million years. But after a few more minutes, I saw them walking in. We had so much fun in Downtown Disney. We walked around, and even got Build-A-Bears! About a day later, it was my niece, Charlotte's, first birthday! It was really fun. A lot of my sisters friends came over. The cake smelt so warm and sugary. After cake, Charlotte got to open her gifts. Watching her open her presents was so fun. It was a great day. The day before our last day in California, we went to Disneyland. Seeing the huge rides, kids running around, it was amazing. We all were walking around and decided to go to the castle. It was huge inside! Just thinking about walking where so many other people walked years ago, was incredible. After a few hours of going on different rides, going to stores, and just walking around, my dad, mom and sister went on the Indiana Jones ride. At the time I was a bit too scared to go on it, so they went without me. I waited outside with my sister Missy and Charlotte. About 20 to 30 minutes later, they finally came out. “Oh my gosh! Makenna, that was so cool!” My sister told
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