Personal Narrative

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I remember this moment as if it were yesterday. I was sitting on the toilet at Wal Mart staring down at the pregnancy test. My best friend was outside knocking on the door telling me to hurry up. As I flushed the toilet, I turned my head and saw the pink plus sign. I shook it a few times to see if it was wrong or broken . I was so shocked at how reality had hit me. I paced back and forth wondering what was my next move. I obviously had to tell my boyfriend. In that instant, I scurried towards the parking lot, where the father of my child was . I began to sob as I announced to him that I was expecting. At first, he had an astonished look on his face. Thank God, he was only like that for a few minutes . His reaction worried me for a moment.…show more content…
The fear of dishonor made me sick to my stomach. My parents were not happy, due to the fact that their little girl was now with child . But his parents appeared very excited for their second grandchild. They welcomed me with open arms in their home. I informed a couple of my friends and somehow the whole school ended up finding out. Many of my friends began to disappear. The change in my behavior sent them running. I began to think about my future for my family’s sake. We both wanted the best for our new family member . My boyfriend and I decided to start working and saving up for our own car and a cute apartment. My grades increased drastically and I started attending school more often. We faced many hardships but we got through it. A lady in blue scrubs entered the office and informed us that our child was a baby girl.Her expected date was June 22,2015. I was so happy! I knew I would love her like no one else could. We then saw her little body in a sonogram and fell in love. I began to take Mommy and Me classes and started reading more on being a good mother. For months, I stayed focused on working, maintaining my health and finishing…show more content…
The nurses prepared my room with a spare change of attire, ice and a television. The Russian nurse then hooked me up to an iv and began the inducement with Pitocin. I took a nap, then was awaken seven hours later for an Epidural. The anesthesiologist came in an shoved a deep needle in my spine. I was so terrified that something could go wrong. A few minutes later, my souls said I would have to push . The Russian nurse and my boyfriend grasped my legs open. After twenty minutes of labor, out came out a beautiful seven pound twelve ounce baby girl with the longest eyelashes and a full set of black hair. Warm tears streamed down my cheeks as they handed me my little princess. It was at that transitional point of my life that I realized what my sole purpose of life
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