Pepsico Case Study Paper

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{An analyze and evaluate the business and financial performance of the PepsiCo for the years 2013-2015—Research Proposal} Introduction: In this research, I will examine about evaluate PepsiCo's financial performance and analyze the business over a particular period which is 2013-2015. The financial results can evaluate financial performance. Moreover, it can measure by ratios which can help the firm to test if their investment on something related to the business is good or not. This research proposal will include information about the enterprise industry, background, SWOT analysis, courses which are related and will help me in the research, problem statement and objectives, methodology and appendix. Industry: Food and beverage sector is the one who is responsible for preserving a good…show more content…
This part of taxation gave me knowledge about tax, types of tax, and effects of paying tax on the company. Also, there are several types of entities, and each of them has different requirements to pay the tax and benefits return to the organization or employees. Problem statement: The trade and financial statement of PepsiCo over 2013-2015. Introducing problem: In this research, I will explore a problem which is Analyzing PepsiCo business and evaluation its financial performance between years 2013-2015. In previous years PepsiCo struggled because shares went down 3% and investors were worried because of a strong dollar and slow sales. Then they decided to cut costs and by share buybacks that were efficient and rise in profit up 11%. The firm is trying to increase their shares and the penetration in developing countries to make more revenue and compete others companies in food and beverage industry. Research questions: *How much ratios improve from 2013-2015 in PepsiCo? *What is PepsiCo sustainability supply chain tax aspects? *To which extent did shareholders benefited PepsiCo in

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