Pellet Gun: A Narrative Fiction

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“Hey!” Logan said angrily. “GIVE IT BACK!!!” The three high schoolers Looked back at him and started to laugh. Then one of them replied “ Nah, I’ll probably use it as a target for my pellet gun.” “But my dad gave it to me” Replied logan. “Well your dad can get you another one can’t he.” “My Dad… Past away…” “Well… you can have it back but I’ll give you a 10 second head start to run and hide or you’ll be my target” “Yeah” The other two tossed logan’s toy back “We’ll even close our eyes” they all began to close their eyes. “Okay.” said logan as he was running away in fear. While logan was running down the street and looking for a place to hide in, the only fast place to hide in before they counted up to ten was a trash can. The problem…show more content…
But little did Logan know, the three boys were peeking through the cracks of their fingers while they were counting. They laughed out loud as the high schooler with the pellet gun loaded his pellet gun up… It was silent and Logan was just waiting. His plan was to wait until it got dark so that they would just go home, but he didn’t know if it was working or not, so he just was waiting, and waiting, and waiting… It got silent … it grew even more silent, and logan began to grow more tired, then alas… he fell asleep… a few moments later, Logan woke up but he felt something strange, as if he was moving. It took him a while to find out, but when he did, he realized that he was dangling! The first thing he tried to do was to open the lid on the trash…show more content…
The trash started to stink, really bad. Anyway, he tried swinging from left to right, but it was going nowhere because the thing that he was dangling from didn’t snap. And all of the disgusting trash was flying in his face. The trash was also flying in his unmentionables, so he started to get uncomfortable. He didn’t know what to do, so he just hugged his toy which was a monkey doll and waited for a miracle. As time passed, he got even more terrified than he already was before. All of the terror and fear started to build up and started to take him over. And as he was losing to an arm wrestle between his self conscious and the fear that was overwhelming him, the thing that was dangling from snapped and sent him falling from two stories. once he landed, he was hurt but not as hurt because of the trash that broke part of his fall. The lid flew off as he landed and he rolled out of the trash can like the trash in the trash can did. As he stood up dazed and dizzy, he heard footsteps coming from the distance and he got scared even more so he reached for his doll and was even more terrified to find that it wasn’t there. And the worst part was that he couldn’t see anything because it was pitch black. He was surrounded by darkness and he was terrified. All the terror built

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