Pathos In Advertising

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As American consumers, we face a barrage of advertisements and infomercials on a near daily basis. Bob Garfield, an American journalist says, “You cannot walk down the street without being bombarded.” (Goodman). The fact that some commercials or ads are able to reach out and catch the attention of many people is astounding; but what is it about these particular advertisements that makes them more successful than their competitors? For Android’s Friends Furever ad, it has been the inclusion of various pairs of unlikely animal friendships that have largely captivated consumers. But behind every successful advertisement, there should be some semblance of a message for consumers to relate to. The Friends Furever ad is part of Android’s “Be Together,…show more content…
I am much more interested in how you feel than how you think.” (Goodman). The use of pathos to capture an audience’s attention is largely used in media and advertising for the purpose of persuading consumers. For example, Android’s Friends Furever ad is an excellent example of pathos being used in advertising recently. The use of animals is becoming more common in advertising, likely because they elicit emotions of curiosity and happiness in most consumers (Chokkattu). It became one of the most shared ads of 2015, with over 6.4 million shares (Chokkattu). The commercial features short clips of various pairs of animals interacting with each other as friends; and has received a largely positive reception for the use of unlikely animal friendships in the campaign to convey the mantra behind the campaign. Interestingly, a vibrant green can be seen in many shots of the commercial; in grass, trees, and leaves. It can be inferred that this was intentional, given that Android’s own company mascot is a bright green robot. Green is said to represent feelings of harmony, life, power, and nature- all of which are relatable to the commercial’s subject matter, as well as the campaign’s main concept (“Be Together, Not the…show more content…
Apple’s phones, tablets, and laptops are somewhat visually customizable among users (wallpaper, colors, brightness, etc.), but at their core they all run on the same operating system with very few if no user-customizable features regarding the system on which it runs (DeLooper). Contrarily, Android offers various types of phones and tablets that can be customized to run different operating systems that cater to each consumer’s personal preferences. The tagline “Be Together, Not the Same” is alluding to Android’s offering of different electronics with different operating systems that are still largely compatible with each other and have similarities. “Be Together” referring to the compatibility of Android electronics with one another regardless of model. “Not the Same” refers to the fact that every device is not given one set operating system, but instead having a broader spectrum of choices for

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