Participative Leadership Style: Decision-Making In Decision Making

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Participative leadership style is a decision-making that invites input from the employees on the company decision. It can sometimes be a slower form of managerial, but it comes with several advantages make the right decision-making for your business. • How are employees hired In this leadership style, leaders can hired the employees by observed their technique of sharing information, which is concerned with keeping the employees informed about the economic condition of the organization. Besides that, giving them a training which involves raising the skill levels of employees and also can contributing development chances that consent them to apply new skill that make efficient decisions regarding the whole organization. Decision making of…show more content…
Besides that, it also can increases the level of modernization and can contribute to the worth of the employees’ work life. They will be more motivated to all the task and decision from the leader had ordered to them by using this leadership styles in long term oriented. They will not consider both side is false, such as if A is true, its opposite B can also be right. This style can increases the employee’s commitment too so that the company can achieve the organization goals easily. Leaders that successful and high-growth company recognize that modernization is what drives growth. They believe the innovation is attained by overwhelming people with a shared persistent growth attitude and shared enthusiasm for problem solving and for revolving ideas into certainty. From the research, it can be quarrel that participative decision making is the most appropriate move toward for leaders because many people join in the decision making process and a large number of employees feel committed to the decision. It can be prove as collectivist country as the employees and leaders relationship is basically moral and link like a family. As we can say that, Singapore is low uncertainty avoidance because the leaders focus more on strategy and also decision process. This can guide to the materialization of new ideas and be inclined to get rid of objections during implementation. Wide…show more content…
Leaders would not only come up with all the ideas by themselves. Singaporean is collectivist culture thus they do not care the importance of “I” but they more focus on “We”. This means that employees can perform their task with their own idea and the leaders will choose the best one for the last decision making. Due to the reason the leader have a clear vision of the group’s objectives, so that the leaders show enthusiasm for the employees’ effort which means this will lead to they will perform the task consequently. The leaders also would not looks at problems only in one direction, they will look into with different angles by higher purposes and ideals, so this motivated the employees does not worry and panic when problem facing. Singaporean is a high power distance country thus they rely on the leaders and also formal rules. Employees also may feel very confident and proud for their skills and abilities in doing their task because their transformational leaders providing them with support through their acquaintance and knowledge. The employees will think that the leaders’ successes are the success for them so that they look into achievement rather than allowance in long term period. Transformation leadership style has an optimistic authority on employee-leader classification. Praise to those good work when you see it, this help

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