Parents Listen To What I Have To Say Essay

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Yes there are some people in the world who don't listen to you or don’t care what you have to say. Also some people make you feel left out but there are some people who will listen to or make you feel special.With some exceptions, adults do listen to what I have to say, particularly my parents, my teachers, and my coaches. My parents usually listen to what I have to say. An example of my parents listening to me is when I was very stressed/ nervous two weeks ago about not having enough time to finish my homework. So I told my parents about what I was struggling with. So they listened to me and then gave me some advice on what to do. This made me feel sort of appreciated because there is somone who cares about what I have to say. This also shows how much my parents care about me. Another example of my parents listening to me is last week when we got report cards and I told them my…show more content…
An example of my teachers listening to me is during class and we were doing a worksheet. I was very confused about what to do and what was on the worksheet. So I raised my hand and my teacher came over and listened to my questions. She then gave me an answer and helped me out. This made me feel special because she decided to stop what she was doing and help me out. Another example of my teachers listening to me is when I told the teacher about a cool fact about magnets. She responded back and said that the fact I stated was cool. She also told me a fact about magnets I didn't know. This made me feel smart because I knew something someone else didn’t know. My last example of my teachers listening to me is during an exam and I dropped my pencil and asked the teacher if should could pick it up for and give to me. This made me feel nervous because it was during a test and when the pencil dropped it was loud. In response she said yes and gave me back my pencil. Not only do my teachers listen to me but my coaches do as
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