Palace Of Knossos Essay

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Discuss the role of the palace of Knossos in Minoan culture, in relation to ritual, ornament and nature. Time is considered to play a fundamental role in mans life. Time is the force that enables us to define our entire existence. Within time the cosmological order is part of three horizons, that comprise rhythm, nature and culture. Rhythm is considered to be eternal and never ending. Nature is made from the divine, he ‘ god’ has made this beautiful world for us to live in, and finally culture, culture is what the human race has made. 
 Just as it is said that myth ‘ is not merely a story told but a reality lived’, in relation to ritual which also embodies human experiences that engage in the environment and manages to embody a creative…show more content…
Knossos was a city that managed to tell us a story about itself artifacts, ruins, fresco painting, pottery and its architecture. we still haven’t reached a definitive answer but nevertheless we have we have sources which enable us to make some conclusion about minoal culture and its relationship with rituals. is and understand the role of rituals and how was it defined in Minoan culture. The palace in Knossos gives us an insight of how life may have been lived in amongst Minoan society. With strong sources and understanding of culture we can easily accept that the Minoans most certainly would have influenced they daily lives with idealistic “rituals”. We have seen certain form of ritual being performed in such a way that help us evaluated that the Minoans were all about celebrating life What were the important attributes to such a joyous life? Unlike the Egyptians who believed in the after life, the Minoans believed in the celebration of Through the fresco painting and artifacts we have begun to understand the rituals were most definitely conducted amongst the palace grounds. When we begin to look at the multifunctional spaces of the palace at Knossos which we can begin to recognize spaces and areas that were dedicated to particular

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