Osama Al-Kharat Analysis

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On the contrary, writers, such as Rabih Alameddine and Alia Yunis, represent home as a fluid and porous site of inhabitance subjected to a constant transformation and mediation (Marchi 31). While for other writers, home was of greater significance and their characters are usually set between the host culture and the culture of origin. Such writers were able to recognize the significance of redrawing the threads of encounter between home and abroad, subverting those binary oppositions between the country of origin and the new homeland. Home, for Rabih Almandine, triggers memories of history, civil war, loss and despair, and he, therefore, finds his America as a safe haven. Despite all this, in his novel The Hakawati, he crafted stories within stories with an aim to break the reader’s preconceived ideas and rattle the misconceptions about the Middle East. Osama Al-Kharat(story-teller), who has been living in the United States for years, returns to Lebanon to see…show more content…
They can, however, embrace a more expansive view of both their Arab heritage and their American presence. The Night Counter insists that Arab Americans must stop “covering” and “misleading” or “masquerading” themselves. Rather than searching for a better agent, or a better heritage, as Amir would have it, they should instead seek to understand the heritage that they have. This heritage, the novel suggests, can be found through a recovery of Scheherazade and the Arab-Islamic framework of her life sustaining tales.it is interesting to note that The culture that Alia Yunis intends to demonstrate in The Night Counter is not that fabricated by Oriental despotism or Islamic terror, but a pluralist one which is capable of embracing and accommodating varied human experiences, ethnicities, and races as

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