Orleans Bedroom Case Study

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HABS Documents Assignment  717 Orleans Ave: The Orleans Ballroom 1. Where is this structure located? As reported by the document, the structure is located at “717 Orleans Street, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, and Louisiana.” 2. When was this structure built? Construction on this building began in 1816 but after a fire its completion was delayed until 1817. The building soon became open to the public on December 9, 1817 for a concert. 3. Who had it built or designed the structure? The structure was built by Henry S. Latrobe and he was also the designer of the New Orleans Theater (a building with in the vicinity of this one) until a fire destroyed the structure. Soon after reconstruction began between John Davis (the owner) and Robert Frani. 4. What was the purpose of this structure during its life? The primary purpose of the space was/is to host a variety of events. 5.…show more content…
The neighborhood appears to be well established now, and is primarily surround by bars, restaurants, galleries and shops (opposed to the empty spaces in the older photo graph).  3417-3419 Danneel: Ferrara Tenement Home 1. Where is this structure located? The building is located at “3417-3419 Danneel Street, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana” according to the paper work (and google earth). 2. When was this structure built? Upon my review of the summary, I learned that the house was built in 1923. 3. Who had it built or designed the structure? The house was built by a Mrs. Rose P. Ferrera (whom also built the building beside it), who created it as a means of renting it to others for a profit. 4. What was the purpose of this structure during its life? The purpose of the structure was to serve as a living unit for multiple families, or in other words to sever as an alternative living style for the area. 5. Using Google Maps, what does this address look like

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