Optimum Temperature For Bacterial And Fungal Amylase

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Amylase is a member of a class of enzymes that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch over an extended period of time. This experiment focused on what the optimal temperature was for the bacterial and fungal amylase. Amylase is produced and secreted from the salivary glands, the small intestine, and the pancreas of many mammals, including humans, and are in charge of the chemical processes of digestion. They catalyze the breakdown of starch into sugars in the mouth and the small intestine. During digestion, carbohydrates, which start out as polysaccharides, are broken down into disaccharides, which are two sugar-linked molecules. They are then further broken down into monosaccharide's that are then absorbed into the blood so that the body can use them whenever needed.…show more content…
The amylase then breaks down the starch into maltose, which is a disaccharide. If amylase has done its job right, then there should be little to no presence of starch left when the amylase is at its optimal temperature, after being tested by adding a few drops of iodine onto the spot plate for each temperature. If the starch turns blue/black, that means that there is starch still present, and the amylase has not been able to break it down. If the solution turns yellow, it means that the starch has been successfully broken down. Figuring out the optimal conditions and temperatures for the amylase can prove to be important in the food industry. Starch is present in many important crops such as wheat, rice, and potato. By not presenting the optimal temperature it can lead to problems with fermentation. If the temperature is too cold, the molecules will slow down to the point that it seems as if they are not even there. If it is too hot, then the molecules will burst because they denature, thus not allowing any reactions to take place between the

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