Oppression Of Women In The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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The Oppression of Women The book written by Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale, is thought of a novel about the oppression of women and governing of women by men. This new society was built on the foundation of a Christian government extremist, where men are dominant in society and the women are the powerless subgroup. In the Republic of Gilead, both genders are greatly oppressed; however it is shown that women are being more pressured and oppressed Gilead than men. Evidently, women’s sole role of life is helplessly controlled and manipulated to believe their solely purpose is to bear children for their older, and more elite copies. These Handmaids are stripped from their identity and status. They are forcefully restricted to their…show more content…
They are isolated from familiar and haunted by memories of the past. Offred for example; she was taken away from her family who tried escaping the new society. When Offred and her husband were caught, they were separated. She now is living on the hope of re-uniting with her husband and daughter. Firstly, throughout the book, Offred was tormented by memories and flashbacks of the past. She thought about the peaceful time with her child and husband, before the revolution. “I want Luke here so badly. I want to be held and told my name. I want to be valued, in ways that I am not; I want to be more than valuable” (120). The loneliness of Offred struck her emotional spectrum, led her state of mind to ponder and desperately searching for a happy place within her memories. Each of Offred past memories fulfilled a different human needs. The flashback of the Red Center reminded her of Moira. Memories before the revolution reminded her need of freedom. The memories of her daughter and Luke expressed of her needs of love. It satisfied her human need as she remembered living in the past; however none of these needs can be satisfied in her new life. When compared with the life before the Revolution, women had freedoms, rights and equality. In the new society however, women must obey their male dominant through the law of the Bible and government. The new form society was a form off of fear and anxiety which associated with…show more content…
In Gilead, all forms of personal conversation are prohibited. Nobody goes unwatched under the Eyes of Gilead. Firstly, the Eyes are the spies who work for the government, and the secretive enforcers of Gilead’s law. Anyone could be an Eye that lurks in the shadow, always watching. Offred and Ofglen always travel in twos. They are to remain passive and idle because they are not allowed converse privately; due to the fear of the Eyes will take them away. “…The Eyes must know about it; they’ll have squeezed it, crushed it, twisted it out of enough bodies, enough mouths by now” (366). it is too risky to openly express thoughts and emotions. Everywhere there are spies and microphones watching and listening. Secondly, the laws has its approach of intimidates and threats to the women of Gilead. Examples of people committing unlawful acts are hung on the jail Wall. There have been many hangings that took placed. Those who were hanged are symbolic of inhumane. The government of Gilead keeps women under their control by making all women to witness a Salvaging ceremony where all Handmaids watch the execution of women whose crimes are not announced. This event reminded the Handmaids of what Gilead was willing to assert their control. Lastly, even those seen as powerful men in Gilead society such as the Commander had laws and eyes watching them. The law gains itself the power because even those in power are

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