Online Sexism Research Paper

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Sexism is a long-established and widely-recognized social problem. However, sexism in conjunction with online abuse mutates into a potentially fatal societal monster. By using our sociological imaginations, “a point of view that highlights how society affects the experiences we have and the choices we make,” to apply social-conflict theory, we can see that the perpetuation of misogyny and the anonymity of a keyboard and a screen has created even greater opposition for active feminists. It is imperative that all citizens, including feminists, retain the ability to exercise their right to free speech without fear of injury to their reputation, their possessions, or their person. Unfortunately, it is common for women to be targeted online. Revenge pornography occurs at a shamefully frequent rate, and personal information is shockingly vulnerable to the attacks of web predators. For females who choose to fight on behalf of the global sisterhood, these dangers are exacerbated. Proof of this is seen in the comment, “Feminist writers are so besieged by online abuse that some have begun to retire,” (qtd. Michelle Goldberg by Barbara J. King, Rarely are people forced to leave their jobs due to fearing for their own safety, much less people who work from home or online. How come, then, is…show more content…
Despite the harm to the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of feminist users, there are very few procedures in place to help victims of online harassment and violence. The sick and twisted people who make such threats and “[release] an individual's personal information, sometimes including home address, bank information, Social Security number and family details, to the public,” are rarely traced or sued. This means that a woman can have her entire life stolen, posted publically, and endangered by strangers who will not incur a single

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