One Child Policy

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Intro The One Child Policy has been under speculation as culturally and socially offensive to human rights through: forced abortions, severe restrictions on abstinence, harsh consequences for breaking the policy, and increased rates in child slavery and child prostitution (primarily females). However, the People’s Republic of China government argues that the policy can be perceived as a success through: drastic decline in birthrate that counteracts overpopulation, a decrease in poverty rates, and higher economic growth due to decline of birthrate. The Policy was put into effect September 25, 1983, but planning for the policy started as early as the 1963 after Chairman Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward Program- an economic disaster that would…show more content…
I firmly argue that China loosened its policy due to social criticism within and outside of the country. In the words of Malala Yousafzai, “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” Since 1979, the People’s Republic of China government through the one child policy has monitored the Chinese family size. The One Child Policy is the People’s Republic of China government’s forced limitations. This policy forces married couples in urban settings to be limited to one child per family to prevent overpopulation in urban settings. There are a few exceptions to the policy: first borns…show more content…
Also, the policy is loose in a few provinces and not held in the Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China – Hong Kong and Macau. Before the policy was issued, Chairman Mao Zedong, of the previous Chinese Communist Party (CCP), instituted his Cultural Revolution to gain power and spread his communist ideals, Great Leap Forward Program to develop the People’s Republic of China’s economy. Later, Mao would deal with the consequences of the Great Chinese Famine and this would really fuel the country’s reinforcement of Birth Control. Deng Xiaoping, the leader of China at the time, officially established the Policy in 1979. In1962, The Communist Party of China and the State Council of China issued instructions encouraging birth control. In 1981, The Sate Family Planning Commission was set up. The policy requires IUDs (a contraceptive device fitted inside the uterus and physically preventing the implantation of fertilized ova) for women of childbearing

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