On Death And Dying Summary

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Elizabeth Kubler Ross was a Swiss-Born psychiatrist and the author of the book, On Death and Dying. In this book she first discussed what is known as the Kubler-Ross model of the stages in dealing with grief and overcoming death. She was also an author of over twenty books on death related subjects, including To Live Until We Say Goodbye (1978), Living with Death and Dying (1981), and The Tunnel and the Light (1999). She also traveled around the world, giving her “Life, Death, and Transition” workshops. Whenever she began her practice, she was appalled by the hospital treatment of patients who were dying. She began interviewing dying patients at the University of Chicago’s Billings Hospital where she was employed as a psychiatrist. She formed the Elizabeth…show more content…
After she encountered her first AIDS patient, Ross felt compelled to create her own healing center on a three hundred acre farm in Virginia. She has planned to adopt abandoned AIDS-infected babies, but her neighbors found out and attacked her. They fired bullets through her window and at her animals. In 1994 her house was set on fire, destroying all her belongings as well as years of journals and research on death, dying, and the afterlife. Although her understanding of death was deepened through her own personal hardships and painful life experiences. Some of Elizabeth’s most famous work as the book she wrote, On Death and Dying. She made sure to make it clear that all people have their own way of grieving, and that you should not judge a person on how they experience their grief, as each person will experience it differently. The five stages of Death and Dying include: Denial and Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Although for one who wrote so extensively on dying and death, Elizabeth’s transition from this life was not a smooth
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