Oedipus Rex Quotes About The Truth

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The Truth about the Truth Oedipus Rex, by ancient Greek play writer Sophocles, wrote Oedipus Rex to engage the audience and show that there are two layers to the truth. Oedipus Rex follows Oedipus’ foretold fate of the oracle which stated he would slay his father and wed his mother. Sophocles shows that the truth is always wanted, but later shows that the truth should be kept private. He explains the wants and impulses of humans when it comes to the truth. While the truth is desperately wanted which leads to anger and misunderstanding, there is a precautionary level of privacy when the truth comes out. Oedipus seems to be angered and desperate for the truth from Tiresias, the truth seeker of Thebes. Tiresias at first, won’t tell Oedipus why Thebes is experiencing a plague. Sophocles highlights Oedipus’ anger to Tiresias in a rude outburst to him, “Nothing! You, / you scum of the Earth, you’d enrage a heart of stone! / You won’t talk? Nothing moves you? / What outrage- you spurn the city” (lines 381-384). Sophocles makes Oedipus angry and dismayed on Tiresias for not telling him the truth. Tiresias on the other hand, knows the truth is bad and is trying to convince Oedipus that he is not telling him the truth for Oedipus’ own good, his response enhances the anger that Oedipus is putting towards Tiresias.…show more content…
While Oedipus is making a fuss about not getting the truth, Tiresias hinting that the truth should be kept private, “I’d rather not cause pain for you or me. / So why this… useless interrogation? / You’ll get nothing from me” (lines 378-380). Tiresias does not want to spill the beans and tell Oedipus that he is the reason for the Plague and infertility in Thebes. Like Tiresias, Jocasta, Oedipus’ mother and wife, tries to diverge Oedipus from finding the truth. When Jocasta is questioned about the Herdsman she tries to avoid the question on Oedipus’ real

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