I blind myself to who, in truth, you are.”L’Engle. He Oedipus blinded himself from who he really is. He didn’t want to be who was told to be by Teiresias. He blind himself to truth both mentally and physically. He also ran away from his old life to start a new one because he didn't want to be the person that he was told going to be. In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles reveals that being humble and mature to is necessary to find out the truth. Oedipus was daze in more than restricted. He was heedless to reality
Dark in Oedipus). This quote spoke by Oedipus clearly states he did not know thyself. Oedipus throughout the play’s central problem is he does not know thyself, it is clear Oedipus was ignorant to the prophecy he would kill his father and marry his mother. His ignorance to the situation and disbelief or his excessive pride in himself caused a tremendous tragedy of Oedipus which this man did truly not deserve this fateful tragedy. The quote revealed above truly states the fact Oedipus did not know