holidays observing past and present soldiers; however, many war veterans are left homeless and neglected when returning to America. According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV), “there are roughly 40,000 veterans who are left homeless in the United States, with an estimated 1,400,000 veterans who are at risk due to poverty, lack of support networks, and dismal living conditions in overcrowded or substandard housing” ( To get a better understanding of homeless veterans
made up of two subtopic theories which are called subcultural and structural theories. The structural theory, which applies specifically to domestic violence, believes that people who possess low or lack of educational opportunities, a lack of community support, and/or a low income status are more likely to choose a life of criminal activity (Greene, Heilburn, Fortune, and Nietzel, 2007). This theory relates to domestic violence because it establishes that economic stress is a cause for abuse,
“I like this” or “I prefer that” depict the affective component. • Behavioural component, also known as the conative aspect, how the person behaves or acts towards the object or the event. The way we behave towards a poor or homeless person depicts our behavioural component. • Cognitive component, the beliefs about the attitude object belief or knowledge or information about an object or event in question. Our belief that god is supreme depicts our attitude towards sacred