O Keeefe Case Study

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Is it Ethical to Use Subversive Approaches to Influence Others? 1. Although O’Keefe did not violate any laws, he should be punished. His behavior was unethical. He lied about his identity to Ron Schiller and edited the video to present false impressions about NPR. His subversive actions also led to a negative vote about funding for public radio. In this case, O’Keefe did not violate at laws so punishment will not be laid down under the law of the nation. His behavior to act in an indecent matter can be termed unethical for clearly lying and providing false impression about the NPR. He portrays a corrupt and insular leader that is trying to present Ron Schiller in negative light under false presentations. O’Keefe acted on self-interest by posing as a donor to get Ron Schiller say a certain degree of information where he could edit the whole conversation as he wished. It was selective and deceptive as…show more content…
But he did not provide any service to the public. In fact, he has caused more harm than service. He might have thought he was providing a servant leadership which focuses on increasing the service to others rather than oneself. O’Keefe has damaged the whole society of the public radio stations around the U.S. The Senate blocks the public radio stations from spending federal money on programming. Now more journalists and other reporters would need to use subversive techniques to get information. Public radio was there to present helpful and useful information to the country but since the spending was cut, this could lead to the ruin several radio stations nationwide. Since he did not provide any service to the public by elaborating a lie, he should not be left alone in any sense. Rather he should be able to explain his actions and come forward with his actions for manufacturing the truth. His actions should be an example of what not to do and think about the consequences of the actions that take

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